PokaPremium - Vagn undir stærri tanka [NÝ VARA]
PokaPremium - Vagn undir stærri tanka [NÝ VARA]
PokaPremium WBF
Vagn undir stærri tanka til að auðvelda flutning. Ekki vera að halda á þungum tönkum ef þú þarft þess ekki!
- Hentar vel í stóra PPF "Keg Sprayer" tanka t.d
- Hentar vel fyrir verkfæri í viðgerðum (auðvelt að færa þau á milli)
Stærð: 23cm x 23cm
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A high-quality, metal trolley for large sprayers transportation. Made of the best quality and technology structural steels covered with a thick layer of zinc to protect against rust and corrosion. The trolley was finally painted on both sides with high-quality powder paint with a finer structure that provides protection against scratches and fading. A trolley secured in this way will serve you for many years, even in the most difficult conditions.
1. Made of 1.5 mm thick sheet metal
2. Galvanized layer - protecting against rust and corrosion
3. Powder coated - protection against scratches and fading
4. Adapted to most of sprayers with maximum dimensions of 23cm x 23cm