PokaPremium - Veggfesting fyrir bílablásara [NÝ VARA]
PokaPremium - Veggfesting fyrir bílablásara [NÝ VARA]
PokaPremium WDO_M + WRO
Frábær vegglausn fyrir blásara / þurrkara.
Komdu blásaranum af gólfinu og hengdu hann fallega upp á vegg.
Tvær vörur koma saman í pakka:
- Haldari fyrir blásara
- Haldari fyrir barka
Mesta vídd: 135mm
Pólýhúðað stál, endist út ævina.
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A high-quality, metal, small hanger for a blower with a convenient cable hook. Made of the best quality and technology structural steels covered with a thick layer of zinc to protect against rust and corrosion. The hanger was finally painted on both sides with high-quality powder paint with a finer structure that provides protection against scratches and fading. A hanger secured in this way will serve you for many years, even in the most difficult conditions.
Precisely made, thanks to the advanced CNC technology, does not have sharp edges and ends. The hanger is safe to use, and the spaces for putting blower are additionally secured with stable, rubber seals.
Suitable for most blowers on the market with wheel/foot spacing:
Max width 135mm