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CARPRO Essence - Fínn "finishing" massi 250ml/1L (með primer)

CARPRO Essence - Fínn "finishing" massi 250ml/1L (með primer)

Regular price 3.690 kr
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CARPRO Essence - Fínn "finishing" massi (með primer)

Essence nær að skera fínustu kvillana eins og holograms og púðaför frá fyrri grófmössunarumferðum. Við getum lofað ykkur því að frágangurinn/finish'ið er eflaust engu örðu líkt og þú hefur séð áður! Lakkið verður alveg eins og spegill.

CarPro Essence finishing massinn skilur einnig eftir sig SiO2 primer/grunn sem er hannaður til að binda C.QuartzUK 3.0 keramik vörnina betur við lakkið! Ef þessi sterka vörn á að vera sem 'standalone' á lakkinu mun sú vörn ein og sér endast í allt að 12mánuði!


 Allt að 12mánaða vörn frá Essence 

  • Skurðargeta: 2/10
  • Finishing geta: 10/10 (og skilur eftir sig SiO2 vörn)

 Hvaða massi er réttur fyrir þitt lakk? Smelltu hér

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CarPro is turning the wheels of innovation once again!!  CarPro Essence is a unique blend of nano-tech Quartz, high gloss durable resins, and fine abrasives that are blended together at a microscopic level to form something truly ground breaking!  CarPro Essence leaves an amazing high gloss finish with semi-permanent fillers and protective capabilities all built in!

Paired with a microfiber cutting pad Essence is capable of unexpected cutting power, while a CarPro gloss pad armed with Essence provides gloss we could only dream of until now!  But this is not simply a polish…

In less than the time you take to polish a car with conventional products, CarPro Essence is capable of removing swirls, building your clear coat thicker, leaving higher gloss, and laying down a semi-permanent coat of protection!  Oh… and it wipes off like a dream!

Incredibly Essence also leaves a perfectly smooth, deep, reflective, primed layer to build on with CQuartz or Reload!  The primer attribute in Essence makes application of CQuartz easier than ever and bonds together seamlessly, forming a shell of Extreme Gloss and protection!


  • Primes surface for CQuartz or Reload
  • Produces Extremely High Gloss
  • Semi-permanent filling capabilities
  • Adds layer of SiO2 Quartz protection
  • Use with D/A, Rotary, or by Hand
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