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AutoFinesse Handi Puck - Handpökkur

AutoFinesse Handi Puck - Handpökkur

Regular price 2.690 kr
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Á lager: 17

AutoFinesse Handi Puck - Handpökkur

Ef þú vilt gera vinnuna þína þæginlega þá er þessi málið!

Festir sig við dekkjagelspúða , waxpúða, mössunarpúða og bara allt sem er með "frönskum" (e. velcro)!

Gefur þér grip fyrir alla púða af stærð 75mm-120mm.

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The Handi Puck is an ergonomically designed, high density foam applicator grip engineered to fit a variety of 75-120mm polishing pads and accessories.

Created as the ultimate tool for increased leverage and control when hand polishing. The Handi Puck works alongside a number of specially developed accessories, designed to complete a wide range of detailing tasks from cleaning and paintwork decontamination, to application of waxes and dressings.

Ath: Í þessu video er gamli Handi Puck sýndur, en við seljum nýjustu útgáfu

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