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CARPRO Lift - Basísk/Sterk Pre-Wash sápa 500ml/1L/4L/20L

CARPRO Lift - Basísk/Sterk Pre-Wash sápa 500ml/1L/4L/20L

Regular price 2.090 kr
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Á lager: 50+

CARPRO Lift - Basísk/Sterk Pre-Wash sápa (coating safe)

Nú loksins sápa með hærra PH gildi sem er örugg fyrir keramik varnir. Kröftug sápa sem leysir upp óhreinindin og er sérætluð í pre-wash skrefið en er á sama tíma nógu sleip til að mega nota líka í að þvo bílinn upp úr með þvottarhanskanum.

Sterk sápa sem búið er að taka úr öll harkalegustu ætandi efnin sem eru óæskilega sterk, sem gerir hana coating safe. (annað en CARPRO MultiX sem er basískur APC hreinsir sem er EKKI coating safe og er meira aggressive)

CarPro Lift er þykkni sem ætlast er til að vera blandað 1:10 (einn hluti efni, 10 hlutar vatn) ... 1+10 = 11L af Liftsápu sem þú færð úr einum 1L Lift brúsa.

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CARPRO Lift is a highly concentrated pre-wash foam agent that dissolves and softens dirt and grime so it can be easily removed during the wash.  Suitable for use with all foaming tools, canisters, guns, and pressure washers, CARPRO Lift produces a thick foam designed to prep the most embattled areas of the vehicle.  

Use LIFT to soften bugs, baked on dirt, and more. Lift is formulated specifically to offer maximum wetting and rinses off easily as well. It is not a superficial high foaming product but has been designed as a true active surface agent.  ​During the panel dwell period, Lift’s bubbles soak the hardened debris and allow it to release from the vehicle with ease during the wash. 

Note that CARPRO Lift contains the punch of an all purpose cleaner unless you heavily dilute it.  It will strip waxes and some sealants from vehicles if used higher than 1:10 ratio. 

How to use as a Pre-Wash Solution:

  1. Dilute Lift with water (we recommend 1:10). You can use leaner ratios for a more flowing mixture or a richer ratio for a denser foam.
  2. Allow the product to remain on the surface for a minute or as long as possible without allowing too dry.  
  3. Power rinse off.  This completes your Lift Pre-Wash. 
  4. Next .. wash with CARPRO Reset.
  5. Warning: Use only on cool surfaces. Do not use in direct sun. Do NOT allow to dry on surface.

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